Documentation and How To

Ok here's some simple how to things that might help you.You can try searching to see if that helps

Competition setup

New comp starter guide
So you want to make a new comp ay?
  1. Click on New Competition on the menu
  2. Input the competition name, choose your federation (ruleset), and start date
  3. Choose the number of days, sessions and platforms (from 1-10) that the comp will run
  4. Delete unnecessary sessions by highlighting them and clicking on them (eg if you only need 1 platform on the final day delete the other platforms for that day by clicking on them)
  5. Choose an access code (note this is for all access - officials, referees, tech desk). There's no minimum and it's unencrypted. I generally pick something easy in case a referee accidentally logs out in the middle of a session! It'll help them get back online quickly.
  6. Please consider providing an email so I can reach out. This is a mandatory field but if it's not a valid email I won't care. I'll probably reach out and say hi :)
  7. The feature selection ensures you're not wasting your time with the wrong features. Some people want to use just the spreadsheet and have manual lights and separate timers. Others may only want to use the lights and timers, and pair simpleLifter with openLifter or LiftingCast. These are all options, depending on your use case.
  8. Click submit and you're done!!
Setup a small comp in simpleLifter

Setup a large comp

simpleUpload and bulk import via CSV

simpleUpload was an excel spreadsheet that allowed bulk data entry for a multi day/session/platform competition. It needed Microsoft Excel and it needed to be running on Windows (thanks to the limitations of VBA). It's no longer used because of the new competition setup system.

Once you've logged in, click on "Competition Setup" in the competition manager. From there you can alter sessions, and add or remove lifter registration data. If you have a lot of lifters in excel or google sheets, you can import via CSV. The order of columns isn't important, but the first (header) row has to be as per the template file.

Assigning lifters to a session

You'll often see sessions described as a 3 digit number. Each digit represents the day, session and platform respectively - ie. 111 is Day 1 Session 1 Platform 1.

To assign lifters to a session, simply click in the day/session/platform (DSP) boxes on the right to assign a lifter to a particular session. Should you need to make last minute changes - say because a lifter has pulled out and flights or sessions must change - this is now very easy and there's no risk of losing data.

Lot numbers

Lot numbers can be generated randomly either for the entire competition (recommended) or by flights (eg. Flight A gets a lower lot number than Flight B). Note that once you press the number it'll immediately overwrite and upload the new numbers so please be careful!

Change weight classes and federation rules

At the top of the "Competition Setup" page from competition manager, you can change the federation rules. Rules will determine:

Custom weight classes are allowed but need to be set up prior to the event. You can input ANY figure in the WC tab on the CSV importer and simpleLifter will work with those weight classes. If you want to run a competition with no weight classes (winners will be based on formula only), just set every lifter's WC (weight class) to the same value. Note it may show an error in the "Class" column, and WC may go red in competition setup HOWEVER it won't stop you from running your competition.

Suggested venue setup layout

Pictures will go here. But I recommend:


Change referee positions

Swiping back from the refere page will no longer log you out. Swipe back and rechoose your new position. Referees won't be logged out, but need to ensure they've picked the correct session.

Troubleshooting referee problems

Tap and hold!!! Don't just peck at the screen like a pigeon would. If you're not logged in correctly you'll get bumped to the homepage. There should therefore be fewer issues with people getting logged out but still accessing the referee page.

Live stream

Setup OBS overlays

Short version, add as a browser source to OBS.You can use the platform/session filter to only display the stream data from certain sessions...see below.

You must ensure that the Browser Course resolution is set to 1920x1080 (you'll know if you've got it wrong). It also helps to set a custom frame rate of 60fps as the animations will be a lot smoother.

Setup OBS scoreboard

Short version, add as a browser source to OBS.

To customise the look and feel of it, you can modify the CSS code in OBS. I'll put up a guide on that eventually.

Setup OBS for multiple sessions
WIP Sorry. As above, but include "&f=1" at the end for either the multiStream or scoreboard. The 1 or 2 or whatever will represent the PLATFORM. If you've only got one platform, multiStream/scoreboard will work out which session is currently active automatically.
Auto trigger scoreboard on 10 minute timer
In future versions, this will happen at completion of squat or bench but requires a specific OBS setup. Right now the timer is automatic, not the scoreboard scene change. A 20 minute timer will be triggered when there is only one flight. You can disable it in simpleLifter using the settings button.
Add and enable lifter profile pictures
WIP Sorry
Change the layout of the stream overlay
To do this, you need to be a gun at CSS:
  1. Load up multiStream.php in a browser and press F12 (debug mode) to identify the styles and classes that you want to change.
  2. OBS has the ability to override CSS in a browser source. In the 'Custom CSS' box you can completely tweak the CSS of all of the overlays. Go nuts!! You're limited in what you can do here, which I acknowledge isn't ideal. But it's better than nothing.


simpleLifter quick start guide

Depending on who you talk to there isn't much to it. Add lifters, set to Squat 1 then as a tech desk you have very limited need to get involved:

Change settings
Click on setup in simpleLifter, or competition setup on the manager page. There will be more and more settings added as I progress.
Add or delete lifters
To add a lifter, either do it in the competition setup option before the competition starts (ideal) or simply press "Add Lifter" on the spreadsheet. To delete lifters, delete the lifter name and lot number from either sheet and that row will be removed.
simpleLifter techdesk troubleshooting
Sometimes things go wrong. It should now be safe to press F5 and refresh the page if anything goes wrong, but i'm not expecting that it will in a predictable way! Usually when it goes wrong its' because someone messed with it.

Advanced features

Set auto ref advancement
If you have enabled auto ref progression in settings or comp setup, when the 3 referees make their decision the comp spreadsheet will automatically goodlift/no lift the lifter based on the number of red or white lights received. ie. If there are 2 or 3 red lights, the lifter will be given a no lift and the spreadsheet will progress to the next lifter. This option can be disabled or enabled whenever, but it's a good idea to let the tech desk know!!