News and updates
Custom(ish) pics

21 Apr 2024

So I've added a few extra pictures so the home page doesn't look so bland. They're not perfect as I've just borrowed them from federation / club websites, and there'll be more as we go. What this means though is that it'll be a lot easier for users to select their competition, as they should all stand out (hopefully). Note it won't be based solely on the international ruleset. I'm not sure how we'll make this work but leave it with me.

I've also noticed that there are times when some competitions don't scroll when clicked in certain spots. If this happens to you, try clicking on the upper half of the card and see if that helps, if not, try clicking on another competition and click back. I'm not sure why this is happening but leave it with me.

Updates, bug fixes, new feature requests

19 Apr 2024

The simpleUpload tool used Microsoft Excel macros to function, and for a variety of reasons including security hacks and the risk of overwriting competition data, it was removed. I have now added a new CSV importer, which will allow you to use whatever spreadsheet program (Excel, Google Sheets, libreOffice Calc, etc) and export the data as a CSV for ingestion into simpleLifter. The template file is available on the "Comp Setup" page and is ready to roll. Note you can rearrange the column order, but you MUST keep the title row in place and the column titles as is, otherwise it will not work. Additionally, a competition scoreboard has been added back in (sorry!!) - working on the formatting to improve functionality. If you need custom colour theme or features I can do that. Just reach out.

Bug Fixes:
Future Ideas: Top
Few fixes

11 Feb 2024

Ok so there were a few things that we've just worked out in testing: Top
APL added

25 Jan 2024

Ok so the APL rules are an interesting combination: IPF age categories (almost), "traditional" weight classes, no more raw and classic raw - just raw and wraps (and single/multi). The time between flights are somewhat arbitrary also, not just 10 and 20 minutes.

But most importantly, I've had to update the age group rules to include full DOB because IPF only goes off year of birth. This requires an update to the privacy policy and addition effort by me to protect uniquely identifiable information. Whilst DOB is not a major driver for identity theft, the less information that simpleLifter retains the happier I will be, and that's one of the reasons why I was so happy that IPF changed their age group rules to only require the year of birth. Anyways, IPF competitions now only need Year Of Birth (no change), whilst other feds will be asked for the lifter's full DOB in YYYY-MM-DD format.

WDFPF added!

12 Jan 2024

WDFPF weight classes and age groups have been added. Top
New fed added!

07 Jan 2024

IPL / USPA rules are now possible. Mostly... TODO Top
A few new bits / fixed functionality:

04 Jan 2024

QR Code is Functional

There's a QR Code on the post-login page (where you select your session and function). It will enable referees with smartphones to scan the QR code and login automatically without having to know or input the password. It currently gives full functionality - so you might as well give them the password if that's what you're worried about - but it's a much faster way to get them in than to share and remember the URL and password.

Lights/timers only works

The Lights 'function' is now available. It will display the lights and barloaded timer, and the '60 seconds to next attempt' timer will display as soon as the referees have input their choices.

Setup options for the spreadsheet

In the "Competition Setup" page, you can now set some basic spreadsheet options: That's enough for today... Top
Archive Up!

03 Jan 2024

Ok the archive is working and includes all of the legacy results. You can filter by date or competition name, it is sorted by newest on top and oldest on the bottom. There are a few issues with legacy results, though: Top

31 Dec 2023

Ok we've done it. The new simpleLifter is live before the end of the year...18 minutes to spare... It's not finished yet. It'll be ready in a month I reckon... Top
Just some tweaks

07 Nov 2023

Legacy updates

28 Oct 2023
