Archived competition results - testttt

PLEASE NOTE: These results were generated from legacy simpleLifter so some of the data may be incomplete. IPF Points or Glossbrenner will not be calculated for these lifters - it was not stored in the save file, it was calculated live and it was decided not to replicate that code.If the weightclass is missing it is because simpleLifter calculated the weightclass from the lifter's bodyweight rather than using a predetermined weight class. It is safe to assume that these lifters lifted in their calculated weight class.

Place Name Sex BirthDate Age Equipment Division BodyweightKg WeightClassKg Squat1Kg Squat2Kg Squat3Kg Best3SquatKg Bench1Kg Bench2Kg Bench3Kg Best3BenchKg Deadlift1Kg Deadlift2Kg Deadlift3Kg Best3DeadliftKg TotalKg Event Points Team
1Evan EggheadM199032CLM-CL-PL8350-6050000PL
1Reload RogerM200022CLM-CL-PL6660-7060000PL
1Brokeit BorisM196062CLM-CL-PL598080000PL
1Cranky ComputerM195072CLM-CL-PL1059090000PL
1Stealthy SilverM197052CLM-CL-PL93100100000PL
1Testing TurtleM199923CLM-CL-PL120+197.5197.5000PL
1Whoops WhyteM199032CLM-CL-PL93200200000PL
1Noname NonagonM200022CLM-CL-PL105210210000PL
1Debugging DaveM198042CLM-CL-PL93250250000PL
1Chris RossM196953CLM-CL-PL120+3000000PL